WALT write a story with an orientation, problem, solution, and ending, using correct sentences and punctuation

Julie watched the clouds as they passed by in the blue sky. It was a hot and sunny day, and Julie was playing outside in the backyard with her favourite toys. Julie was 4 years old, she lived with her Mum and Dad. Julie lived on the North-shore.
Mum and Dad decided it was a beautiful day so they decided to go to the park for a picnic. Dad picked up Julie and put her in the back seat while Mum quickly put together a picnic lunch. When Mum finished putting together the picnic lunch she put it in the boot of the car.Then she hopped in the car and Dad drove to the park.
When they got there Mum and Dad laid out the picnic, then they picked up Julie and sat her down on the picnic mat. Julie started to cry because she wanted to play on the park so Dad puts her on the slide. When Mum and Dad looked away for 10 seconds then looked back, Julie was gone!
They called her name but she never replied. They searched all over the park but she had vanished. After about 3 hours of trying to find her they called the police. The police rushed down to the park.
“Hello my name is Eric, now what's the problem” said the policeman.“My daughter is missing” Mum cried.“Do you have and of her clothing” asked Eric in a deep voice. “Yes here”. Mum passed one of Julie’s T- shirts. Eric took his dog out call Mars (his name is mars because the color of his fur is mars). Mars smelled Julie’s T- shirt, then barked. He ran into the forest and he found Julie quickly.“My job is finished here” said Eric. “Nice meeting you Eric” dad replied.Eric took his dog Mars and went onto the next problem.
Julie went home with her Mum and Dad. The next time they went to the park they would remember to always keep an eye on Julie.