WALT record what learning on our netbooks this year has been like, what we have enjoyed, what has been difficult, what has been interesting
At the start of the year Room 6 was very lucky to get little black, shiny, brand new netbooks! I felt so happy I was over the moon, I wanted to use my netbook right away.
I have really liked that we just have to type instead of handwriting. Another thing that I like about my netbook is that I can share my work with the world by posting it onto my blog.
Some small problems have been happening like Netbook freezing. I just don't like when it freezes because we have to restart our netbook so it can work again, but everything else is good.
It has been really interesting that people keep on coming to see how we use netbooks.
The netbooks are a good thing. I think netbooks help kids from year 5 to 13 because the netbook encourages the kids to come to school and learn.
I am a Year 8 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Kia Manawanui syndicate and my teachers are Ms Aireen and Whaea Petra.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012
TPS Athletics Team Rooms 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
Recount-Athletics Day
WALT: write a descriptive recount, with an orientation, events and ending
On Friday 9th of November, Tamaki Primary held its annual Athletics Day! It was held on the school field. All the students of Tamaki Primary competed.
When I woke up, I was feeling so happy I didn't want to lose time. When Lolo woke up, he was feeling scared he might lose because his feet were in pain.
I got really right away so I could get to school faster. Lolo got up and quickly got really so he can be first to school fast.
When I got to school I went up the steps, to hang my bag outside of room 6. When Lolo made it to school he saw me hanging my bag, Lolo hung his bag near my bag.
I went into room 6 and Lolo was behind me. Mr Craig called the roll and when he came to me I said “good morning”.
When we finished the roll we went to our house team.We practiced our song and others. after we all learned it off by heart we lined up outside of room 2 and walked to the racetrack singing our songs.
When the races started for me I went to the starting line shyly. The wood smashed together and away I went. When I was at the fishing line I found out that I came 1st. I felt very happy.
Later on it was the final. I came 1st in all my races, but in the relays we came 4th.
I was proud of myself at the end of the day so was Lolo.
On Friday 9th of November, Tamaki Primary held its annual Athletics Day! It was held on the school field. All the students of Tamaki Primary competed.
When I woke up, I was feeling so happy I didn't want to lose time. When Lolo woke up, he was feeling scared he might lose because his feet were in pain.
I got really right away so I could get to school faster. Lolo got up and quickly got really so he can be first to school fast.
When I got to school I went up the steps, to hang my bag outside of room 6. When Lolo made it to school he saw me hanging my bag, Lolo hung his bag near my bag.
I went into room 6 and Lolo was behind me. Mr Craig called the roll and when he came to me I said “good morning”.
When we finished the roll we went to our house team.We practiced our song and others. after we all learned it off by heart we lined up outside of room 2 and walked to the racetrack singing our songs.
When the races started for me I went to the starting line shyly. The wood smashed together and away I went. When I was at the fishing line I found out that I came 1st. I felt very happy.
Later on it was the final. I came 1st in all my races, but in the relays we came 4th.
I was proud of myself at the end of the day so was Lolo.
Friday, 2 November 2012
How a hydro-dam creates electricity
WALT write an explanation of how a Hydro-power station works

A hydro-dam is an amazing structure that makes electricity from water!
Firstly you build a dam to block the river. Water then builds up behind the dam. This is called the reservoir.
Water then goes through the intake, and rushes down the penstock. The water hits the turbine and spins it very fast.
This makes electricity which is stored in the generator. The electricity then travels through the power lines to houses and cities.
After the water has gone through the turbine, it rejoins the river.
You can make power in all sorts of ways but this is hydro power.
Power is very important, please save power . A hydro-dam is also called a hydro-station.
A hydro-dam is an amazing structure that makes electricity from water!
Firstly you build a dam to block the river. Water then builds up behind the dam. This is called the reservoir.
Water then goes through the intake, and rushes down the penstock. The water hits the turbine and spins it very fast.
This makes electricity which is stored in the generator. The electricity then travels through the power lines to houses and cities.
After the water has gone through the turbine, it rejoins the river.
You can make power in all sorts of ways but this is hydro power.
Power is very important, please save power . A hydro-dam is also called a hydro-station.
Friday, 26 October 2012
How does wind make energy?
WAL about different power sources (where we get power from), and whether they are renewable or non-renewable:
Renewable (will not run out) energy source:
solar (sun)
plants/animals (biomass)
Non-renewable (will run out) energy source:
oil (petroleum)
natural gas
This is how wind is used to generate (make) power:
The process behind wind energy is pretty simple. It starts, of course, with the wind, which is actually a form of solar energy. Wind is caused by the sun’s heating of the atmosphere, the irregularities of the earth's surface and its rotation.
The wind turbine captures that energy through propeller-like blades attached to a rotor, usually atop towers to access faster, less turbulent wind. Turbines can operate at variable or fixed speeds. Most new projects use variable speed as it more efficiently converts wind to electricity.
Friday, 19 October 2012
Narrative Story Writing - Lost and Found
WALT write a story with an orientation, problem, solution, and ending, using correct sentences and punctuation

Mum and Dad decided it was a beautiful day so they decided to go to the park for a picnic. Dad picked up Julie and put her in the back seat while Mum quickly put together a picnic lunch. When Mum finished putting together the picnic lunch she put it in the boot of the car.Then she hopped in the car and Dad drove to the park.
When they got there Mum and Dad laid out the picnic, then they picked up Julie and sat her down on the picnic mat. Julie started to cry because she wanted to play on the park so Dad puts her on the slide. When Mum and Dad looked away for 10 seconds then looked back, Julie was gone!
They called her name but she never replied. They searched all over the park but she had vanished. After about 3 hours of trying to find her they called the police. The police rushed down to the park.
“Hello my name is Eric, now what's the problem” said the policeman.“My daughter is missing” Mum cried.“Do you have and of her clothing” asked Eric in a deep voice. “Yes here”. Mum passed one of Julie’s T- shirts. Eric took his dog out call Mars (his name is mars because the color of his fur is mars). Mars smelled Julie’s T- shirt, then barked. He ran into the forest and he found Julie quickly.“My job is finished here” said Eric. “Nice meeting you Eric” dad replied.Eric took his dog Mars and went onto the next problem.
Julie went home with her Mum and Dad. The next time they went to the park they would remember to always keep an eye on Julie.
Julie watched the clouds as they passed by in the blue sky. It was a hot and sunny day, and Julie was playing outside in the backyard with her favourite toys. Julie was 4 years old, she lived with her Mum and Dad. Julie lived on the North-shore.
Mum and Dad decided it was a beautiful day so they decided to go to the park for a picnic. Dad picked up Julie and put her in the back seat while Mum quickly put together a picnic lunch. When Mum finished putting together the picnic lunch she put it in the boot of the car.Then she hopped in the car and Dad drove to the park.
When they got there Mum and Dad laid out the picnic, then they picked up Julie and sat her down on the picnic mat. Julie started to cry because she wanted to play on the park so Dad puts her on the slide. When Mum and Dad looked away for 10 seconds then looked back, Julie was gone!
They called her name but she never replied. They searched all over the park but she had vanished. After about 3 hours of trying to find her they called the police. The police rushed down to the park.
“Hello my name is Eric, now what's the problem” said the policeman.“My daughter is missing” Mum cried.“Do you have and of her clothing” asked Eric in a deep voice. “Yes here”. Mum passed one of Julie’s T- shirts. Eric took his dog out call Mars (his name is mars because the color of his fur is mars). Mars smelled Julie’s T- shirt, then barked. He ran into the forest and he found Julie quickly.“My job is finished here” said Eric. “Nice meeting you Eric” dad replied.Eric took his dog Mars and went onto the next problem.
Julie went home with her Mum and Dad. The next time they went to the park they would remember to always keep an eye on Julie.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
In Maths this term we have been learning about FRACTIONS
I can find fractions of whole numbers like:
1/2 of 12 = 6 1/3 of 9= 3 1/10 of 20= 2
2/3 of 12= 8 4/5 of 10= 8
I can recognise when a fraction is greater than 1:
½ + ½ + ½ = 1 1/2
⅓ + ⅓ + ⅓ + ⅓ =1 1/3
7/4 = 1 3/4
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Garden Day Reflection
This document is a reflection on the purpose, process and outcomes of our Garden Day Activities.
Timo timo
- Mussel shells
- Wood
- Knife
- String
- Saw
- To help us dig in our garden.
- So we can learn from it.
- So it could help us with our garden.
- the teacher explained what we were going to do.
- We took 3 strings and plait them. It was hard to plait the 3 string but i got help.
- We took a V shaped branch and shaped the branch. We scraped it until it was smooth, thats how we made the Timo timo.
- Helping the Ko group
- Getting the Timo timo and Ko smooth.
- The handle of the Timo timo
- How to make a Timo timo and Ko.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
We have been learning what is personal and what is private information online.
Personal information we can share online e.g. favourite things, hobbies, favourite food, first name, age
Private information we do not share online e.g. home address, birth date, home phone number, full name.
If we are not sure we keep it private.
My name is Tanisslous and I am 10 years old I am a boy. My favourite subjects at school are Math, Reading and Writing. My favourite song is ‘Don’t wake me up’ and 'PayPhone'. My favourite sports team is the ALL BLACKS. My favorite food is banana cake and Kit Kat. My favourite colour is blue.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
How to grow plants
1.The scientific study of plant life is known as what? Botany |
2. The process of plants using energy from sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into food is known as what? Photosynthesis |
3. True or false? In the right conditions bamboo can grow over 60cm (24in) in just one day. True |
4.The movement of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of a flower is known as what? Pollination |
5. Amber is made from fossilized tree resin. |
6. True or false? Humans were on Earth before plants. False |
7. What grain has the highest level of worldwide production? (Hint: Rice is second) Maize |
8. A trailing or climbing plant is also known as a vine. |
9. True or false? Pitcher plants are carnivorous. True |
10. The Japanese word “sakura” means the blossoming of what kind of tree? Cherry tree. |
Thursday, 9 August 2012
How plants grow best ?
WAL: about how plants grow best
This is what I think about how plants grow.
We will be doing some experiments to find out if it is true.
1. How much sunlight do plants need to grow?
Not much, about 12 hours a day. Some can be a lot.
2. Can plants grow in the shade? Can they grow inside?
Yes because we have some plants in our house.
3. Can plants grow better by talking to them? Why?
No because plants have no ears.
4. Can plants grow in sand? or rocks? Why?
Some can and some can’t. Cactus can but all the others can't.
5. How much water do plants need to grow? What type of water?
Not so much but at least once a day. ( Clean water )
6. Can you feed plants food? If yes, what kind?
No plant make their own food.
This is what I think about how plants grow.
We will be doing some experiments to find out if it is true.
1. How much sunlight do plants need to grow?
Not much, about 12 hours a day. Some can be a lot.
2. Can plants grow in the shade? Can they grow inside?
Yes because we have some plants in our house.
3. Can plants grow better by talking to them? Why?
No because plants have no ears.
4. Can plants grow in sand? or rocks? Why?
Some can and some can’t. Cactus can but all the others can't.
5. How much water do plants need to grow? What type of water?
Not so much but at least once a day. ( Clean water )
6. Can you feed plants food? If yes, what kind?
No plant make their own food.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
WAL : about how plants grow and what they need to grow

My explanation of how Photosynthesis works:
Photosynthesis works by changing CARBON DIOXIDE and WATER into sugars that make the plant grow. SUNLIGHT is needed to help this process.
My explanation of how Photosynthesis works:
Photosynthesis works by changing CARBON DIOXIDE and WATER into sugars that make the plant grow. SUNLIGHT is needed to help this process.
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
My Learning Goals
My goals are:
My goals are:
My goals are:
My goals are:
- Transfer ideas from my plan in a logical order, and include greater detail.
- Proof read my writing carefully for errors.
My goals are:
- Continue to practice my oral reading skills, and participate fully in group work and discussion.
- Further develop the ability to identify messages in texts.
My goals are:
- Apply different additive and multiplicative strategies when problem solving, and find fractions of sets, shapes and quantities.
Monday, 23 July 2012
The Hip Hop Show
In the holidays I went to the hip hop show at a college I don’t know where was the college or the name of the college. I went with Kurt and my brothers and my friends.
First, we took the bus to the place where we were going to see the show I felt excited to see the show i never have been to a hip hop show.
When we were on the bus I saw lot of thing like houses, building, cars
people and signs. On the bus me and Kurt sat together at the back sets
with some friends, me and kurt played cool car, kurt won then we played music on kurt’s netbook ( he's in college so he gets to take his netbook home ) after we had a talk all the way.
Next, the bus stopped and me and Kurt stopped talking we waited for the others the get out then we got out. We walk to their hall to see the show
the school was big and fancy. I saw people and gangs walking past the school I looked at the gangs walking past they looked ugly and mean with a evil face and they think they're cool. When we got to the hall where the show was we went in and sat down. The show was in the hall but we sat in the hallway we sat in a line and waited for one hour because the dancer were getting ready. When the hour was finished we all went in the show. first they tell us about their self then they started dancing.
At the last part they showed us the full dance (the group dance).
That was one of my best days ever!.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Term 2 Highlights!
WALT: record what we have been learning about this term, including our thoughts and feelings
This term I learnt about Movie Making. It was fun when we filmed the last part of our movie. We had to dance altogether as a group.Doing that was so much fun I felt excited to watch our movie. On Wednesday we watched our movie. It looked a little cool but I like it.
This term for P.E we had football. It was fun playing football and it was fun learning new skills and it was fun playing games. Some I already know, some were new to me. I love playing and learning new skills all the time.
I really enjoyed when the unders and the overs went to the Netball Tournament. I was in the under and we came third. The overs came third as well but we had fun playing out there and vsing other school teams.
This term I learnt about Movie Making. It was fun when we filmed the last part of our movie. We had to dance altogether as a group.Doing that was so much fun I felt excited to watch our movie. On Wednesday we watched our movie. It looked a little cool but I like it.
This term for P.E we had football. It was fun playing football and it was fun learning new skills and it was fun playing games. Some I already know, some were new to me. I love playing and learning new skills all the time.
I really enjoyed when the unders and the overs went to the Netball Tournament. I was in the under and we came third. The overs came third as well but we had fun playing out there and vsing other school teams.
Monday, 18 June 2012
How a tapa cloth is made
WALT: write an explanation that is clear and east to follow, and includes headings and detail
Sketching shells
Firstly,we had to sketch some shells with a pencil.
We sketched the main lines on the inside of the shell.
We did it carefully so we don’t do it wrong.
Transferring Design
Secondly,we had to transferred the shell that we drew before on a piece of paper.
We had to draw the thing that we draw before on a piece of paper onto a piece of cardboard.
Then we went over it with vivid.
Scrunching the cardboard
Next,we scrunching the cardboard until it was slof.
And all wrinkly.
But not too wrinkly.
Adding colour
Finally,we added colour. The colours were brown,black and white.
And then we stick it all to other and it makes a tapa cloth.
Sketching shells
Firstly,we had to sketch some shells with a pencil.
We sketched the main lines on the inside of the shell.
We did it carefully so we don’t do it wrong.
Transferring Design
Secondly,we had to transferred the shell that we drew before on a piece of paper.
We had to draw the thing that we draw before on a piece of paper onto a piece of cardboard.
Then we went over it with vivid.
Scrunching the cardboard
Next,we scrunching the cardboard until it was slof.
And all wrinkly.
But not too wrinkly.
Adding colour
Finally,we added colour. The colours were brown,black and white.
And then we stick it all to other and it makes a tapa cloth.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
WALT make a thoughtful, positive, or helpful comment on someone’s blog
Tanisslous said...
Hi Haina, I really liked the way you took a photo of you on a Motorbike doing a wheelie, it looks mean. Your motorbike is flash.
Your story is awesome, I loved it. I like the way you named the person on the motorbike Haina.
12 June 2012 095:9 My comment is thoughtful because I used Haina's name. My comment was positive because I said I really liked the way you....
Your story is awesome, I loved it. I like the way you named the person on the motorbike
12 June 2012 095:9
Friday, 25 May 2012
My comment is positive because I never said anything bad and I was nice to the person.
My comment is thoughtful because I said the person name ( Tionee ) and I said " I like the way you" .
About Me
I am a Year 5 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 6 and my teacher is Mr Craig. My favourite subjects are Maths and Writing. I like writing because we write on Netbooks and I like Maths because I like playing with numbers. In my spare time I love to play games and sport. In the future I want to be a Pilot and a soldier.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Movie Shots
We have been learning about the different types of shots in movies.
1. This is a close up
2. This is a medium shot
3. This is a long shot
4. Extreme long shot
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Mother's Day
On Sunday it was Mothers Day. I was thinking about something that my mum would like. After 2 minutes I thought of something. I would make her a card and clean up the house. When the house was clean we woke up our mum and we all said “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY MUM”. We all gave her a card and she looked so happy. At 12 o’clock we went church. On the way there we went to buy some mcdonalds. I loved it!
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Thursday, 29 March 2012
How a Tapa Cloth is made
Sketching shells
Firstly, we had to sketch some shells with a pencil. We sketched the main lines on the inside of the shell. We did it carefully.
Transferring Design
Secondly, we had to transfer the shell that we drew before onto a piece of cardboard. We had to draw the best design onto a piece of cardboards, as well as a border. Then we went over it with black vivid.
Scrunching the cardboard
Next, we scrunched the cardboard until it was soft and all wrinkly. But not too wrinkly. We had to do it about 30 times.
Adding colour
Finally, we added colour. The colours were brown, black and white pastel. Then we stuck them all together to make a big tapa cloth.
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