In the holidays I went to the hip hop show at a college I don’t know where was the college or the name of the college. I went with Kurt and my brothers and my friends.
First, we took the bus to the place where we were going to see the show I felt excited to see the show i never have been to a hip hop show.
When we were on the bus I saw lot of thing like houses, building, cars
people and signs. On the bus me and Kurt sat together at the back sets
with some friends, me and kurt played cool car, kurt won then we played music on kurt’s netbook ( he's in college so he gets to take his netbook home ) after we had a talk all the way.
Next, the bus stopped and me and Kurt stopped talking we waited for the others the get out then we got out. We walk to their hall to see the show
the school was big and fancy. I saw people and gangs walking past the school I looked at the gangs walking past they looked ugly and mean with a evil face and they think they're cool. When we got to the hall where the show was we went in and sat down. The show was in the hall but we sat in the hallway we sat in a line and waited for one hour because the dancer were getting ready. When the hour was finished we all went in the show. first they tell us about their self then they started dancing.
At the last part they showed us the full dance (the group dance).
That was one of my best days ever!.
Hi Tanisslous, man your story was cool about you holidays in term 2, keep it up best brother :)
Nice one Tanisslous.Keep it up.I'd be exited if I was going to a hip hop show like you:)
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