Friday, 10 May 2013

A visit from Tina and Tane

Today we had a visit from the team from the Auckland City Council who put on a show for us about keeping our waterways safe and clean. Tina and Tane came out of a special comic to tell us all about it.
We learned not to swim in or near storm water drains especially after lots of rain as sometimes yukky stuff like rubbish and dog poo can get washed in and harm us.
We also learned that anything that goes down "outside" drains ends up in streams, rivers and the sea so it is very important that we are careful. We need to wash our cars on the lawn if we can or go to a carwash (they recycle the water) and to rinse our paint brushes on the lawn or in an "inside" sink (this water goes to a water treatment plant to be made safe again).
If we all do our bit to help we can keep our beautiful and precious stream, rivers and sea safe for everyone!

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